Dec. 03, 2021

WHAT: Reps. Clint Owlett (R-Tioga/Bradford/Potter) and Martin Causer (R-Cameron/McKean/Potter), chairman of the House Majority Policy Committee, will co-host a hearing focused on the importance of maintaining creeks and streams to prevent flooding. The hearing will be preceded by a tour of several waterways and flood-affected areas.

Owlett, Causer, members of the committee and the following testifiers:

Local County Officials Panel
Erick Coolidge, commissioner, Tioga County 
Daryl Miller, commissioner, Bradford County
David Cohick, director, Tioga County Emergency Services

Township Supervisors Panel
Kevin Stephani, supervisor-elect, Columbia Township, Bradford County
Deven Martin, supervisor, Delmar Township, Tioga County
Clark Gee, former supervisor, Middlebury Township, Tioga County

Conservation Panel
Pamela Kania, acting director, Bureau of Waterways Engineering and Wetlands, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection 
Tim Schaeffer, executive director, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission
Erica Tomlinson, district manager, Tioga County Conservation District
Joe Quatrini, watershed specialist, Bradford County

Citizens and Farm Bureau Panel
Johnny Painter, Painterland Farms, Tioga County
Jim VanBlarcom, Sugar Branch Farms, Tioga County
Mike Lovegreen, Upper Stream Coalition, Bradford County
Dean Jackson, Mt. Glen Farm, Bradford County

Monday, Dec. 6. Hearing begins at 3 p.m.  Members of the media are also welcome to join the tour at any or all of the locations on the agenda. You must use your own transportation for the tour. A full agenda of the tour is available as an attachment here.
WHERE:   Wellsboro Fire Company Annex, 21 E. Ave., Wellsboro

LIVE WEBSTREAMING:   Barring technical difficulties, the hearing will be streamed live at, and

Media contact:   Patricia Hippler, 717.772.9846,
