Apr. 23, 2021

WHAT:  The House Majority Policy Committee, chaired by Rep. Martin Causer (R-Cameron/McKean/Potter), will hold a hearing to highlight regulations suspended by the Wolf administration over the past year and discuss the need to reinstate them or not.

WHO: Causer, members of the committee and the following testifiers: Denise Cavenaugh, Step By Step Inc., Pittsburgh; Charlotte Chew, Pyramid Healthcare Inc., Altoona; Zachary Shamberg, PA Health Care Association, Harrisburg; Stephanie Watkins, Hospital and Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg; Dr. David Vega, WellSpan Health, York; Mireille Cottle, StoneRidge Retirement Living Communities, Myerstown; Ryan Bell and Bobbie Jones, Webco Industries, Oil City; and Mary Malone, Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce, Hazleton.

WHEN:  Tuesday, April 27, at 10 a.m.

WHERE:   Room G-50, Irvis Office Building, State Capitol Complex, Harrisburg. 

LIVE WEBSTREAMING: Barring technical difficulties, the hearing will stream live at PAGOPPolicy.com

Media contact: Patricia Hippler, 717.772.9846, phippler@pahousegop.com
